Журнал клинических и экспериментальных дерматологических исследований

Журнал клинических и экспериментальных дерматологических исследований
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ISSN: 2155-9554


Acquired Ungual Fibrokeratoma Simulating Supernumerary Digit: Dermoscopic Analysis of Three Cases

Salima Salim, Ilham El Meknassi, Kaoutar Znati and Mariame Meziane

Acquired acral fibrokeratoma is a benign fibrous tumor of hypothetical pathophysiology. It is rarely localized on the nail and exceptionally simulates supernumerary digit. We report three rare and original cases of acquired ungual fibrokeratoma, in which dermoscopy showed two parts of distinct dermoscopic features suggesting supernumerary digit. The explanation of such a differentiation remains to be determined, opening the discussion on a possible new pathophysiological hypothesis.
