Исследования здорового старения

Исследования здорового старения
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ISSN: 2261-7434


Возрастные изменения сульфгидрильных групп мембран эритроцитов и активности β-D-глюкуронидазы

Прабханшу Кумар, Паван Кумар Маурья

Background: Aging is associated with oxidative stress but its underlying mechanisms remain poorly understood. The aim of this study was to investigate alterations in human erythrocyte membrane sulfhydryl groups and levels of β-D-glucuronidase during aging.

Methods: The study was carried with a cohort of 52 normal, healthy subjects of both sexes. They were divided into three groups: young, middle-aged and old. Blood samples were taken, and membrane sulfhydryl groups and β-D-glucuronidase activity were measured within 24 hours.

Results: Results showed significantly (p<0.001) decreased sulfhydryl group levels as a function of human age. A significant (p< 0.001) decrease in erythrocyte membrane β-D-glucuronidase activity was also observed in subjects in the ‘old’ group.

Conclusions: We conclude that aging is associated with systemic oxidative stress that is able to influence the integrity of cell membranes and their antioxidant capacity. Evaluation of sulfhydryl groups and β-Dglucuronidase activity provides a useful and early indication of structural and functional alterations of the red blood cell membrane during human aging. Citation: Kumar P, Maurya PK (2015) Age-related changes

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