Журнал исследований рака и иммуноонкологии

Журнал исследований рака и иммуноонкологии
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ISSN: 2684-1266


Aggressive Systemic Mastocytosis: Types, Symptoms, Diagnosis and Treatment

Krupa Palan*

Aggressive Systemic Mastocytosis (ASM) may be a clonal mastocyte
disease characterized by progressive growth of neoplastic cells in
diverse organs resulting in organopathy. The organ-systems most
often affected are the bone marrow, skeleton, liver, spleen, and therefore the alimentary canal.
Systemic mastocytosis (mas-to-sy-TOE-sis) may be a rare disorder
that leads to too many mast cells build up in your body. A
mastocyte may be a sort of white blood corpuscle. Mast cells are
found in connective tissues throughout your body. Mast cells help to guard you from disease and help your system function properly
and normally.

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