Журнал географии и стихийных бедствий

Журнал географии и стихийных бедствий
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ISSN: 2167-0587


Анализ морфометрических параметров и гидрологических изменений на основе ГИС в бассейне реки Парбати, Химачал-Прадеш, Индия

Сумантра Саратхи Бисвас

Morphometric analysis, including the aspects such as linear, aerial and relief aspects of the Parbati River basin has been done with the help of remote sensing and GIS techniques. Strahler's method of stream ordering is used for all stream related calculations. The river basin is designated as 6th order basin, and 1st order streams are mostly dominating the basin, and moderate drainage density indicates that weak subsurface material and belongs to medium texture. The study reveals that the basin has an oval to less elongated shape and associated with steep ground slopes. The ranges of Rb are high as mean Rb of the basin is 4.582, and it has been characterized by the influences of underlying structures and lithology. Relief ratio having a value of 0.073 indicates this basin is composed of resistant rocks, and the basin is under intense relief and steep slope. Climatic variability and anthropogenic causes enforce to a tendency of decrease in average annual and seasonal discharge in the Parbati River. These studies are essential for the proper management of the river basin.

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