Журнал гликомики и липидомики

Журнал гликомики и липидомики
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ISSN: 2153-0637


Анализ данных короткого прочтения из NCBI SRA и CGHub/TCGA с использованием HIVE-XLD: Оценка эффектов несинонимичных вариаций в протеоме человека

Raja Mazumder

Current sequencing technologies are generating petabytes of data that are inaccessible to majority of the research community because of the costs and expertise required to analyze big data. Another roadblock to analyzing such data is the lack of curated information in NGS data repositories such as NCBI SRA. To address the above challenges, we have implemented a low-cost Highperformance Integrated Virtual Environment of eXtra-Large Data (HIVE-XLD) private cloud at GWU and US FDA. Effects of variation on active sites and glycosylation sites will be presented to illustrate the power of integration of big-data with functional objects such as active sites, binding sites and pathways.

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