Прикладная микробиология: открытый доступ
Открытый доступ

ISSN: 2471-9315


Антибактериальное исследование наночастиц серебра против стафилококков, кишечной палочки и сальмонелл, выделенных из отдельных рынков живой птицы

Кумар Джйотирмой Рой, Аминур Рахман, ХандкерСаадат Хоссейн, господин Баханур Рахман, господин АбдулКафи*

An antibiogram study of newly introduced Silver Nano particles (AgNPs) was performed against the available poultry bacteria. Herein, this research involved isolation, identification and characterization of Staphylococcus, E. coli and Salmonella of different bird types from two live bird markets surrounding Bangladesh Agricultural University (BAU) campus for determining antibiogram profiles against AgNP in comparison with commercially available antibiotic disks. For this a total of 120 cloacal swab samples collected from Broiler (48), Sonali (48) and Deshi chicken (24) from Kamal Ranjit (KR) and Kewatkhali live bird market from which Staphylococcus (68), E. coli (97) and Salmonella (91) were isolated. Representative of these three bacterial isolates were used for antibiogram profiling. The standard disk diffusion method was employed for the antibiogram assays where the zone of inhibition surrounding the disk used as a parameter for evaluating the sensitivity of AgNP as well as commercial antibiotic disk. The isolates showed sensitivity to Ceftriaxone (26.99 ± 0.2), Ciprofloxacine (21.57 ± 0.15), Gentamycin (23.59 ± 0.2) and resistance to Amoxicillin (0.00), Tetracycline (7.23 ± 0.06) while AgNP (22.93 ± 0.38) was sensitive against all the isolates. Thus AgNP proved sensitivity to bacteria even resistant to Amoxicillin and Tetracycline. This sensitivity of AgNP against poultry bacteria holds promise for the use as antibacterial in poultry industry.
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