ISSN: 2167-0250
Трухильо-Рохас Л., Фернандес-Новелл Х.М., Бланко-Прието О, Ригау Т., Ривера дель Аламо М.М., Родригес-Хиль Х.Е.
Our research team recently demonstrated that the onset of rat age-related Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH) is concomitant with parallel increases of both prostatic and blood serum Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor (VEGF) levels. This follow up was centered in how prostatic expression and location of VEGF modify depending on the BPH onset was raised. To evaluate this, prostatic expression and location of both VEGF and its specific receptor (VEGF-R) were analyzed by both Western blot and immunohistochemistry in rats with separate ages. Results indicate that VEGF significantly (P<0.05) increased its prostate expression in BPH-affected rats, being this increase parallel with a change in the intracellular VEGF location, which went from a per membranous situation in healthy animals to an intracytoplasmic one in BPH-affected ones. Moreover, there was evidence of a Golgi apparatus-related location of VEGF in BPH animals. In all, results seem indicate that the observed concomitant BPH-related changes in prostatic tissue and blood serum VEGF levels would be related with an increase in both prostate, Golgi apparatus-related VEGF processing and further extracellular secretion.