ISSN: 2593-9173
Маду Д. Ибегбу, Антониус А. Эзе, Джой Э. Икекпеазу, Чиди А. Ндубуиси, Икечукву Э. Эзеагу
Telfairia occidentalis, Amaranthus hybridus and Ocimum gratissimum are commonly consumed vegetables amongst the study population, and there is poor information on their nutritional content. We therefore, in this study evaluated their nutritional status, to provide information on their content and reasons to support their continued consumption or vice versa. Vegetable samples were randomly collected and analysed using standard methods. On the average A. hybridus contains 2.47 of crude protein, 7.63 of crude fibre, 9.67 of ash and 2.09 of fat (all in ppm), while Ocimum gratissimum contains 2.226 of crude protein, 7.156 of crude fibre, 8.70 of ash and 1.92 of fat (all in ppm). Similarly, O. gratissimum contains 2.861 of crude protein, 7.806 of crude fibre, 10.619 of ash, 2.380 of fat (all in ppm). All three were found to be high in iron, as well as copper and zinc. They also contain small amounts of both essential and non-essential amino acids. The results of this study present the nutritional contents of these leafy vegetables; and our findings support their increased cultivation, consumption and commercialization.