Журнал наномедицинских и биотерапевтических открытий

Журнал наномедицинских и биотерапевтических открытий
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ISSN: 2155-983X


Diatom-derived Mesoporous Silica Nanoparticles Loaded with Fucoidan for Enhanced Chemo-Photodynamic Therapy

Hsiu-Mei Lin

Conventional cancer treatments face limitations, driving the exploration of combination therapy for enhanced effectiveness. This study introduces a innovative approach by utilizing Diatom-Derived Mesoporous Silica Nanoparticles (dMSN) enriched with lanthanide metal ions, enabling dual-action therapy. These nanoparticles not only exhibit photodynamic therapy capabilities but also offer MRI and fluorescence imaging functions. Incorporating fucoidan, a potent natural anticancer agent from brown algae, the study achieves remarkable efficacy against drug-resistant cancer cells. The combination of dMSN-EuGd@Fucoidan outperforms standalone photodynamic therapy or chemotherapy, presenting a robust solution for cancer treatment. Leveraging the unique properties of diatoms, the most prevalent group in the ocean, aligns with sustainable healthcare principles. In summary, this research pioneers a combined chemo-photodynamic therapy system, harnessing the advantages of fucoidan and innovative diatom-derived nanoparticles. It addresses drug resistance and suboptimal drug delivery, moving us closer to more effective and targeted cancer treatment
