Семейная медицина и медицинские исследования

Семейная медицина и медицинские исследования
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ISSN: 2327-4972


Влияние разработанной программы обучения тренеров на эффективность работы инструкторов в программе последипломного образования по семейной медицине в Университете Суэцкого канала

Абдо Абдель Рахман HA

Background: The educational process entails the cooperation of two partners: The student and instructor. In medical schools, the instructor is considered a key element in the education process. Today's instructor has to be prepared for many roles and keep up with the rapid changes in education, and appropriate training in teaching and learning methods is now essential rather than a luxury. Objectives: This study evaluated the role of Training of Trainer program in boosting the performance of Family Medicine instructors in giving oral presentations and conducting one-to-one clinical training. Methods: We conducted a quasi-experimental study at the family medicine department in the faculty of medicine, Suez Canal University, Ismailia, Egypt. We enrolled 20 Family Medicine instructors and their performance within oral presentations and clinical training sessions was evaluated by both experts and students. Results: According to experts' and students' evaluation, instructors’ performance in oral presentations session was poor prior to the Training of Trainer program and experts' evaluation was significantly lower than that of the students by 2.8 ± 10.0. However, following the program, instructors' performance was significantly improved, and experts' evaluation became superior to students' evaluation 4.3 ± 4.1 (p=0.03). Moreover, instructors' performance in clinical training improved significantly in terms of assessment, instructions, feedback, and attitude. Conclusion: The implementation of the Training of Trainer program has effectively boosted the performance of family medicine instructors. In order to enhance their training/teaching competencies, the training courses provided to clinical instructors should have specialized training focused on effective teaching and adult learning.

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