Семейная медицина и медицинские исследования

Семейная медицина и медицинские исследования
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ISSN: 2327-4972


Эффективность поддержки принятия клинических решений для улучшения предоставления услуг по планированию семьи в учреждениях первичной медико-санитарной помощи

Венпали Ануша*

There's a ought to move forward conveyance of family arranging administrations, counting previously established inclination and contraception administrations, in essential care. We evaluated whether a clinician-facing clinical choice bolster actualized in a family pharmaceutical staffed essential care organize moved forward arrangement of family arranging administrations for reproductive-aged female patients, and varied in impact for certain patients or clinical settings. We conducted a down to business consider with difference-in-differences plan to assess, at the visit-level, the clinical choice support's impact on recording the arrangement of family arranging administrations 52 weeks earlier to and after execution. We too utilized calculated relapse with a test subset to assess mediation impact on the patient-level.

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