ISSN: 2327-4972
Эми Уиттл, Дженнифер Э. Хеттема, Дженнифер К. Мануэль, Кэрри Канжелози, Диана Коффа, Сара Де Ла Серда, Мэтт Тирни, Пола Дж. Лам
Introduction: Motivational interviewing (MI) is an evidence-based practice with many applications for healthcare providers who work with families and pediatric patients. Few studies have evaluated MI training efforts with providers who work with pediatric patients using objective treatment integrity tools. This pilot study aims to test the effectiveness of a four-hour continuing education workshop, plus performance feedback and coaching, on MI skillfulness among family and pediatric health professionals. Materials and methods: Participants completed standardized patient (SP) practice samples at baseline (BL), received written performance feedback, attended an MI workshop, provided a one-week SP practice sample (FU1), received written feedback and a coaching call, and provided a final SP practice sample at two months (FU2). All practice samples were coded using the Motivational Interviewing Treatment Integrity Code (MITI 3.1.1). Results: Participants showed improvements in MI skillfulness between BL and FU1 that were associated with moderate to large effect sizes. Despite feedback and coaching, some deterioration in skillfulness was seen between FU1 and FU2. Few providers met beginning proficiency or competency standards at either follow-up point. Discussion: While the tested training model led to improvement in skillfulness, and telephone feedback was feasible, additional training is likely needed to meaningfully impact behavior.