ISSN: 2375-4427
Véronique Equy, Ariane Derore, Nadine Vassort, Françoise Branchet, Benoit Mongourdin, Pascale Hoffmann, Pierre-Simon Jouk
Objectives: Deafness affects about 7% of the French population. In this context, the clinic of obstetrics and gynecology of Grenoble University Hospital (France) has set up two affirmative action’s to assist pregnant signingdeaf patients (who preferentially “speak” sign language). One is, a partnership with qualified French Sign Language interpreters from the Deaf Patient Reception and Care Unit, and the second is, sign language training for nine medical professionals. The aim of this study is to evaluate these initiatives in deaf patient care and propose some potential improvements.
Material and methods: This was a descriptive study conducted from information contained in the computerized and paper files of 22 pregnant signaling deaf patients.
Results: There is significant adaptation of patient management during scheduled consultations and hospitalization, whereas the adaptation rate remains poor for emergency situations.
Conclusion: The adaptation of care to the deaf turns out to be perfectible, through advance planning of the entire pregnancy consultation schedule. In emergency situations, the creation of a sign language interpreter on-call position would greatly improve the access to appropriate for these patients.