Журнал политических наук и связей с общественностью

Журнал политических наук и связей с общественностью
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ISSN: 2332-0761


Экстремизм среди немусульман: причина и решение

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With the hegemony of modern and postmodern impressions and ideologies, time-honoured beliefs especially religious orthodoxy is being continuously targeted and blamed for conserving the factors of extremism. After 9 /11, a psychological change in the behaviour of western people and their perception of the Muslims as the terrorist and extremist are observed to reach a staunch belief where Muslims are tagged as problematic, extremist, foster of hate and violence. However, they forget to scrutinize the modern and postmodern philosophies that were born and fostered in the hands of western intellectuals which lead to the death of millions of people. In this essay, I have tried to analyse the concept of extremism, its development and very presence outside Muslim societies.

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