Лесные исследования: открытый доступ

Лесные исследования: открытый доступ
Открытый доступ

ISSN: 2168-9776


Factors Hindering Seedling Survival in Sekota District, North Eastern Amhara, Ethiopia

Mubarek Eshetie1*, Melkamu Kassaye2, Getu Abebe3, Yonas Belete4, Grima Ngusie1, Slesh Asmare1

The study was conducted in Amhara regional state at Sekota district, North Eastern Amhara, Ethiopia. In three sites, to assess factors hindering seedling survival. The data were collected from 93 respondents at three Kebeles (Abya, Sayda, and Wolleh). According to the respondents; seedling grading, hardening off and seedling protection are applied at lightly level. Most of the respondents (90.3%) indicated that there was the problem of seedling survival after planting. Insect (termite) were the major biotic factors affecting seedling survival. Most of the respondents noted that the major abiotic factors affecting seedling survival were water stress and planting infertile soil. Drought and insect resistance species are ideal for the study area to boost up seedling survival. In addition, Way of nursery production methods and planting techniques must be adjusted as suitable for dryland areas. In planting sites, the appropriate water and soil harvesting structure should be constructed to improve water retention and soil fertility.

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