Терапия волос и трансплантация

Терапия волос и трансплантация
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ISSN: 2167-0951


Восстановление волос и методы

Susan Farshi

Hair transplantation may be a surgical technique that removes
hair follicles from one a part of the body, referred to as the
'donor site', to a bald or hairless a part of the body called the
'recipient site'. The technique is primarily accustomed treat male
pattern depilation. during this minimally invasive procedure,
grafts containing hair follicles that area unit genetically immune
to hairless (like the rear of the head) area unit transplanted to
the bald scalp. Hair transplantation may also be accustomed
restore eyelashes, eyebrows, beard hair, chest hair, crotch hair
and to fill in scars caused by accidents or surgery like face-lifts
and former hair transplants.

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