ISSN: 2161-0487
Вильфрид Вер Экке
I make use of Lacan to understand schizophrenia. I then explain, from a Lacanian point of view, the success of three therapists (Prouty, Karon and Villemoes) treating persons afflicted by schizophrenia. I refer to the Finnish "Open Dialogue" method where up to 85% of persons, afflicted by schizophrenia, are successfully treated. In this paper I will concentrate upon the question as to how psychoanalysis, in modified form, works with patients afflicted by schizophrenia and psychosis. I will start by mentioning the “Open Dialogue” method used in Finland. I will point to the success of the “Open Dialogue” method to prove that schizophrenia can be cured by using talking therapy. Next, I will present Lacan’s theory of schizophrenia. From Lacan’s theory I will extract the concepts of the imaginary and the symbolic. I will then use Lacan’s theory to explain the success of the methods to treat schizophrenia developed by Bertram Karon, G. Prouty and Palle Villemoes. I will argue that their success lies in the fact that these three therapists start by accepting the imaginary aspects of the patient. Only in a second step do they introduce the logic of language in their therapy.