Журнал географии и стихийных бедствий

Журнал географии и стихийных бедствий
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ISSN: 2167-0587


Влияние изменения климата на сельское хозяйство, особенно в округах Джессор и Сатхира, согласно стратегиям фермеров по смягчению последствий изменения климата; доказательства на уровне фермеров

Humayun Kabir MD

This study studies the adaptation of farmers to demeaning environmental situations likely to be caused or exacerbated under global climate change. It examines four central components: (1) The rate of self-reported acceptance of adaptive instruments (coping plans) consequently of changes in climate; (2) Ranking the potential coping plans based on their apparent importance to agricultural initiatives; (3) Documentation the socio-economic factors related with adoption of coping plans, and (4) Ranking potential limitations to adoption of coping plans based on farmers’ reporting on the grade to which they face these restraints. As a preliminary matter, this paper also hearsays on the perceptions of farmers in the study about their involvements with climatic change. The study area is included of fifteen villages in the coastal region (Jessore and Sathkhira districts), a topographical region which climate change works has decorated as prone to accelerated degradation. Five hundred (500) farmers take part in the project’s survey, from which the data was used to compute biased indexes for positions and to achieve logistic reversion. The rankings, model results, and expressive statistics, are stated here. Results showed that a common of the farmers self-identified as having involved in adaptive behavior. Out of 15 adaptation policies, irrigation ranked first among farm adaptive measures, while crop assurance has ranked as least utilized. The logit model clarified that out of eight factors surveyed, age, education, family size, farm size, family income, and involvement in collectives were meaningfully related to self-reported adaptation. Notwithstanding different support and technical interferences being available, lack of available water, lack of cultivable land, and random weather graded highest as the respondent group’s restraints to coping with ecological poverty and change belongings. These results deliver policy makers and advance service providers with vital awareness, which can be used to better mark interventions which build endorse or facilitate the adoption of coping appliances with potential to build resiliency to altering climate and subsequent ecological effects.

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