Ортопедическая и мышечная система: текущие исследования

Ортопедическая и мышечная система: текущие исследования
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ISSN: 2161-0533


Osteolytic Metatarsal Lesion: A Case of Foreign Body Foot

Shamim Ahmad Bhat*, Rameez Raja, Tabish Tahir, Khurshid Kangoo

A case of lytic lesion foot with no definite history of trauma presented with diagnostic challenge as being potentially malignant. On routine evaluation and subsequent imaging especially USG foot foreign body was suspected. With all relevent differential diagnosis in mind surgical exploration and biopsy was done which confirmed foreign body and foreign body granuloma induced lytic lesion of foot. Foreign body trauma and its sequele should be kept in defferential diagnosis in foot diseases when likely hood of penetrating foreign body is quite high like labourers and housewives.

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