ISSN: 2572-4916
Габриэль Анчиа Эрнандес*, Хуан Диего Самора Салас
Low back pain is a condition that has great economic and social repercussions and has become one of the leading causes of incapacity for work globally. When pain occurs in the lower back, uncertainty is generated about the risk factors or causes that can trigger low back pain, however; its diagnosis is not simple and about 90% of cases generally do not present some type of demonstrable lesion, so the problem is classified as a non-specific low back pain. The treatment includes movement of the person, since rest weakens and atrophies the muscles of the back, in addition; among the recommended exercise methods are exercises located in the muscles of the trunk and abdomen mainly, muscular resistance, spinal stability, Pilates, Williams and Mckenzie exercises, Feldenkrais and Alexander techniques, among others.