Медицинская и хирургическая урология

Медицинская и хирургическая урология
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ISSN: 2168-9857


Успешное эндоскопическое лазерное удаление простой кисты простаты, вызывающей обструкцию выходного отверстия мочевого пузыря - исследование случая

Рависанкар Дж. Пиллаи и Зиад Аль Наиб

The cysts of prostate are common but the information regarding classification,diagnosis and treatment of prostate cysts are rare in literature. We present the case report of a patient presented with severe lower urinary tract symptoms since 1 year. He was investigated using ultrasound scan to find that he has a simple prostatic cyst close to the bladder neck. The uroflowmetry and post void scan showed indirect evidence of bladder outlet obstruction. He had a cystoscopy and was treated with de-roofing of the prostatic cyst using 980 nm diode laser. He had tremendous symptomatic improvement and good recovery without catheterization. The ejaculatory functions were also preserved after the treatment.We also discuss about the available recent classification of cysts of prostate gland.

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