Достижения в области медицинской этики

Достижения в области медицинской этики
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ISSN: 2385-5495


The chondral tissue and PRP: Theory to support the use

Marcus Vinicius Danieli


Introduction: The hyaline cartilage structure is very complex with few cells and without blood and lymphatic vessels or nerves. This makes the healing potential very limited. Knee cartilage injuries are very common, and its treatment is a major challenge. Surgical options available nowadays like chondroplasty, microfractures, mosaicplasty and autologous chondrocyte transplantation still doesn’t have satisfactory results, mainly in long term. Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) has been used in orthopedics since 90’s in order to stimulate tissue healing, because of its potential to concentrate platelet derived growth factors in the target place. The goal of the PRP application is to stimulate a better healing environment. PRP has been used in cartilage to treat osteoarthritis and to support treatment techniques for chondral injuries. However, the literature is still doubtful regarding the surgical results with PRP application in chondral injuries.


Background: The persuading foundation regarding the ongoing examinations, exploring the various possibilities of platelet-rich plasma, offers the clinician an engaging option for the treatment of ligament sores and osteoarthritis. Ongoing confirmations in writing have demonstrated that PRP might be useful both as an adjuvant for careful treatment of ligament abandons and as a restorative device by intra-articular infusion in patients influenced by osteoarthritis. In this survey, the creators present the trophic and calming properties of PRP and the various results of the accessible platelet concentrates. At that point, in a perplexing situation made of an extraordinary number of clinical factors, they continue the current writing on the PRP applications in ligament medical procedure just as the utilization of intra-articular PRP infusions for the moderate treatment of ligament degenerative injuries and osteoarthritis in people, accessible as both case arrangement and similar examinations. The consequence of this survey affirms the intriguing natural job of PRP, albeit numerous perspectives yet stay to be explained and the utilization of PRP in a clinical setting must be viewed as still exploratory.


Method:- PRP has been related with the microfracture strategy to improve the ligament fix. The preclinical sheep model of Milano et al. [43] offered a persuading "verification regarding idea" of this instinct, supporting the utilization of gel instead of a fluid groundwork for this particular careful methodology. In people, this methodology has been approved in an ongoing randomized investigation by Lee et al. [44]. These creators explored the capability of PRP as an extra toward the finish of the microfracture technique for knee ligament surrenders up to 4 cm2 in patients more established than 40 years old. They utilized a L-PRP and the procedure of arrangement didn't infer the utilization of activator. PRP was infused in situ around the microfracture gaps after expulsion of arthroscopic liquid from the joint, after the standard of the in situ initiation. Their results were persuading concerning the clinical scores (IKDC and Lysholm) at 2 years and the second arthroscopic see at a brief timeframe development (4–6 months). This was believed to be because of the twofold activity of PRP in upgrading bone marrow MSC movement and initiation and in lessening the aggravation and, along these lines, the agony at the careful site. These outcomes propose PRP as an advertiser of recuperating process after microfracture. Also, hypothetically, they take into account expanding the sign of this procedure to a populace more seasoned than 40 years old, in which microfracture fix alone may turn out to be less productive contrasted with more youthful patients.


Results: PRP has been as of late contrasted with saline arrangement, as a fake treatment, in an intriguing examination by Patel et al.. The creators researched likewise 2 distinct modalities of PRP organization (1 infusion versus 2 infusions routine) in patients with knee OA. In this randomized controlled preliminary, a significant number of the recently detailed confirmations about the utilization of intra-articular PRP were affirmed. In fact, the creators found that a measurably critical improvement was available both with a solitary portion and with 2 infusions of PRP contrasted with fake treatment. They likewise saw that the impacts were available as long as a half year of development, despite the fact that toward the end term assessment the scores in the PRP bunches began to crumble. Moreover, better results were found in patients with second rate of articular degeneration. Shockingly, no connection of progress by methods for PRP was found as for age, sex, or BMI. The review of the literature, along with the new in vitro and preclinical perspectives, gives PRP a fascinating biological possibility as a therapeutic approach for cartilage pathology. Certainly, more works has to be done in order to establish common guidelines. At this regard, high quality trials will help to clarify some of the open questions about the specific use of PRP as component of the surgical management of cartilage lesions, a nonoperative injective modality for treating low grade osteoarthritis and cartilage degeneration. With regard to that, some new intuitions may be useful in the future.


Biography: Marcus Vinicius Danieli completed his Graduation in Medicine and Residence in Orthopedics at Botucatu Medical School. He focuses on Knee Surgery. He is an active member of the Brazilian Society of Knee Surgery (SBCJ); International Society of Arthroscopy, Knee Surgery and Sports Medicine (ISAKOS); and the International Cartilage Repair Society (ICRS).
