Журнал депрессии и тревоги

Журнал депрессии и тревоги
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ISSN: 2167-1044


The Efficacy of Group-Cognitive Behavior Therapy for Patients with Bipolar Disorder Based on Psychological Behaviorism

Jae Woo Park and Kee Hwan Park

The study’s aim was to conduct group Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT) for patients with bipolar I disorder (n=11) and test its efficacy. All subjects didn’t have manic or depressive episode fully met DSM-5 criteria and they are all under proper medication as a maintenance treatment. The intervention was administered to ameliorate eight psychosocial factors, as measured by the Bipolar Disorder Etiology Scale, which was administered with the Korean versions of the Young Mania Rating Scale and Beck Depression Inventory before and after the intervention. The same measuring procedures were followed with a waiting-list control group (n=14). Subjects were not assigned with fully randomized method, however there is no significant differences in baseline measurement. Manic emotional response, lack of social skills, pursuit of short-term pleasure, and lack of problem solving-skills decreased significantly, but lack of support, sleep problems, antidepressant side effects, and positive arousal to threats did not change significantly in the intervention group. Significant reductions in residual depressive and manic symptoms were found during their maintenance medication periods. Even in the absence of florid manic symptoms, interventions to ameliorate the manic emotional response should be used.
