Журнал противовирусных и антиретровирусных препаратов

Журнал противовирусных и антиретровирусных препаратов
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ISSN: 1948-5964


The Role of Direct Acting Anti-Virals in Chronic Hepatitis C Treatment-2016 Update

Andrew Ofosu and Raja K Dhanekula

Chronic hepatitis C continues to be a major public health concern due to complications including liver cirrhosis and hepatocellular cancer. Prior to the development of direct acting antiviral drugs, chronic hepatitis C was primarily treated with interferon-based therapy. Treatment regimens were faced with challenges including limited efficacy, less tolerability and limited usage in decompensated liver cirrhosis. The introduction of Direct Antiviral Agents (DAA) has changed the landscape of chronic hepatitis C treatment. Currently, the use of DAA has improved the sustained virologic response rates (SVR), with availability of genotype specific treatment and increased patient tolerability. Further, the availability of newer DAAs, have helped expand the treatment eligibility pool to include chronic hepatitis C (HCV) patients with advanced cirrhosis, patients with End Stage Renal Disease and post-liver transplant patients. The development of new and improved generations of DAAs is ongoing and rapidly enhancing our armamentaria to achieve cure for patients with chronic hepatitis C infection. This short communication reviews the ongoing development, genotype specific treatment regimens, and current use of DAA in chronic hepatitis C patients including special patient populations such as HIV/HCV coinfections, patients with advanced liver cirrhosis, severe renal impairment and recurrent HCV post -liver transplant.
