Эндокринология и метаболический синдром

Эндокринология и метаболический синдром
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ISSN: 2161-1017


Unique Therapeutic Approach of Tab.Dibet-All (A Poly Herbomineral Formulation), Tab.Dtox-OD and Tab.Glybra in a Newly Diagnosed Case of Type-2 Diabetes Mellitus. A Case Report

Devendra R Giri

Along with all the commonly known rationale; oxidative stress, reactive oxygen species (ROS), growing number of AGEs, accumulation and outbreak of Tridoshas. Throughout year plays decisive role in the development of Diabetes as well as its complications. In the present study, I have discussed about their effective and economical management based on the principles of Ayurveda in the form of distinctive line of treatment which includes Tab.Dibet-all (a poly herbomineral formulation), Tab. Dtox-OD and Tab Glybra. This trio is indistinguishable from allopathy drugs in terms of pharmacology. With so many benefits concealed inside; this line of treatment is having remarkable potential regarding antidibetic, antiglycating, antihyperlipidimic, rejuvinative and preventive/protective activities by the means of breaking cross-links of proteins induced by AGEs, inhibition of AGE formation, blockade of the AGE–RAGE interaction, suppression of RAGE expression and prevention from glycer-AGEs-induced ROS formation ensuring good control over intricate pathology of diabetes and thus protecting diabetics to a higher extent from the complications of diabetes slowly footing towards them. This is the most imperative thing regarding intricate and vague pathology like Diabetes mellitus.

Only the integrated approach towards this gruesome situation will going to help mankind. May this study of ‘Tab. Dibet-all (a poly herbomineral formulation), Tab. Dtox-OD and Tab. Glybra’ with its sovereign effects could serve as a light of hope towards search of ideal treatment of Diabetes mellitus type-2. This can be a supplementary remedy for type-1, hereditary and chronic diabetics also and unquestionably lend a hand to revolutionize the future scenario of these tribulations.

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