Журнал географии и стихийных бедствий

Журнал географии и стихийных бедствий
Открытый доступ

ISSN: 2167-0587

Объем 1, Проблема 1 (2011)


Повлияла ли пандемия COVID-19 на качество окружающей среды?

Imran Maqbool, Rehana Naheed, Jamil Ahmeed

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Sex and Ethnic Variability of Fingerprints Pattern and Finger Ridge Density: A Comparative Study between Igbo and Efik Ethnic Groups of Nigeria

Michael Ebe NANDI, Olaleye Andrew OLABIYI, Evare Eze UZONG

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Remote Sensing and GIS Based Ground Water Potential Mapping of Kangshabati Irrigation Command Area, West Bengal

Sujit Mondal

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Vertical Stability of the Earth Inner Core

Slobodan Djordjevic

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Four Periodical Natural Big Disasters of the Planet Earth during Each Precession Cycle, Caused By Its Motion (New Theory)

Slobodan Djordjevic

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The Influence of the Self - Rotation of the Planet on Its Motion Not Covered By Gravity Law

Slobodan Djordjevic

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