Ортопедическая и мышечная система: текущие исследования

Ортопедическая и мышечная система: текущие исследования
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ISSN: 2161-0533

Объем 8, Проблема 1 (2019)

Обзорная статья

Bertolotti’s Syndrome: Prevalence, Classification and Current Concepts of Management: A Review

Nilesh Barwar

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История болезни

Henoch-Schönlein Purpura Complicating Acute Osteomyelitis to Staphylococcus aureus

Salem Bouomrani and Moez Ben Ayed

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исследовательская статья

Study of Anterior Tibial Laxity Using GNRB® in Healthy Knees in Children Aged 8 to 15

Damien Marmouset, Alves A, Laurent R, Kabbaj R, Vialle R and Bachy Razzouk M

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The Effect of Platelet-Rich Plasma Therapy on Unresolved Wrist Pain

Marc Darrow

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A Comprehensive Review Study on Muscular Dystrophy and its Associated Impact on Health and Individuals

Basil Alaniz, Turki Alghamdi, Hassan Alhaji, Hussain Alghalaf, Hamza Aldossary, Khaled Aldajani, Rakan Alotaibi and Shamim Shaikh Mohiuddin

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Обзорная статья

Open Lower Limb Fractures-Management and Treatment Algorithm

Frederico Paiva, Bruno Pombo, Rita Santos, Vânia Capelão and Horácio Costa

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