Достижения в области автомобилестроения

Достижения в области автомобилестроения
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ISSN: 2167-7670

Энергопотребление аккумуляторной батареи электромобиля

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Recycling2018 :Using iron filings for copper recovery from spent copper etching solution by cementation process.

J Pollut Eff Cont

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Advanced Robotics 2018 :S2T(Skin-to-Thing)solutions for design & engineering R&D: What wearable device developers must consider for their IoMT device?

Edith Bianchi

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Recycling 2018 :The climate is controlled by the solar irradiance

Habibullo I Abdussamatov

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Fluid Dynamics & Aerodynamics 2018 : High-accurate meshless formulations for non-smooth compressible flows

Xesus Nogueira and Luis Ramirez

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Advanced Robotics 2018: Shifting product design from technology driven to user centre design

Fang Bin Guo

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