Журнал продуктов питания: микробиология, безопасность и гигиена

Журнал продуктов питания: микробиология, безопасность и гигиена
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ISSN: 2476-2059


Plants with special reference to Flavonoids and their role in Nutrition and Obesity Prevention

Kamil M

The plant kingdom offers a rich source of structural biodiversity in the form of a variety of Natural Products. As we know, natural products continue to play an important role especially in & food and pharmaceutical industries. But there is no better way to highlight the unique nutrient richness of foods than to focus on their flavonoid content. Flavonoid, one of the largest nutrient families known to scientists, cover a large group of naturally occurring, low molecular phenolic compounds found practically in all parts of the plant , include over 6,000 already-identified
family members. A large number of novel flavonoids and
biflavonoids have been isolated from medicinal plants. Some of the best-known flavonoids include quercetin, kaempferol, catechins, and anthocyanidins. Obesity is the most prevalent nutritional disease and a growing public
health problem worldwide.
